Entreps Awards

The Global Entreps Awards reward public figures, outstanding iniciatives, successful policies, institutions, start-ups… worldwide, with the condition that they are born and grow sustainable, under the guidance of the United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). There are all 30 awards, 30 different chapters for 126 countries, 17 of which are entirely devoted to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs
The Entreps Awards
Chapter 6: UN SDG 'Clean Water and Sanitation'

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Secretary General
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Chapter 7: UN SDG 'Affordable and Clean Energy'

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Secretary General
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Chapter 8: UN SDG 'Decent Work and Economic Growth'

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Chapter 9: UN SDG 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'

Secretary General
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Chapter 10: UN SDG 'Reduce Inequalities'

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Secretary General
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Chapter 11: UN SDG 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'

Mohamed Sefiani President of the UCLG Forum of Intermediary Cities (United Cities and Local Governments 2016-2019). Mayor of Chefchaouen (Morocco).
Secretary General
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Chapter 12: UN SDG 'Responsible Consumption and Production'

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Secretary General
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Chapter 15: UN SDG 'Life on Land'

Maneka Gandhi Minister of India in four Governments, Animal Rights Activist, Longest Serving Member of the Parliament of India, and President of the Organic Food Organisation.
Secretary General
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Chapter 16: UN SDG 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'

Michelle Ndiaye #Top 100 Most Influential Africans. Director of Africa Peace & Security Programme (APSP)
Secretary General
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Chapter 17: UN SDG 'Partnerships for the goals'

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